The Snow

Anne Gorrick


There were murders in Snowtown
along with a summary of Kilimanjaro
There was also a leopard ending in Kilimanjaro
Mineral angels in Amarillo
An Elgar extricating traction mat
The Empress lives in a Lapland elf hotel
There are snow fields and snow flowers and a secret fan
There are snow fort backyardigans, families comprised entirely of snowglobes
Globe and goose in Tulsa
Even houses have songs
This image might be red
or black
It might melt in the soonest of chords
The snow kept falling on antiquity
falling down a Jackson Hole
Lay on the ground
Make a poem out of the snow
Also make a ninja woman autonarrative
that is also an analysis of owls
The downtown was a plate filled with peas
pushed with plow shovels
Fairy tales remind the speaker
that we’re filled with riots, that we’re red like raspberries inside
Sing the spider squall song
Murders never drift into
ukulele chords
the unsung unfabulous
Icedragons in uniforms
their printables


Photo: Franco Vogt

Photo: Franco Vogt

Anne Gorrick is the author of: A’s Visuality (BlazeVOX Books, Buffalo, NY, 2015), I-Formation (Book 2) (Shearsman Books, Bristol, UK, 2012), I-Formation (Book 1) (Shearsman, 2010), and Kyotologic (Shearsman, 2008). She co-edited (with poet Sam Truitt) In|Filtration: An Anthology of Innovative Poetry from the Hudson River Valley (Station Hill Press, Barrytown, NY, 2016).




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