
Leading up to our “Sacred Words” issue, we asked you to tell us, on Facebook, what “sacred” means to you. Your responses were funny, poignant and thought-provoking.

Don’t worry that it’s not good enough

For anyone else to hear

Just sing

Sing a song”

-Joe Raposo


Submitted by Itai Mesch



The writing on the wall.

sacred posts1

Submitted by Anthony Michael Morena



The Torah is your Journey

to it

Sometimes you step back or sideways

though you are not supposed to


the Sages of blessed


Submitted by Carole Birkan



“But the bottom line is, you are still here. And they are still there.”
—Amy Fusselman, “This Is for All the People Who Love Angels”

Submitted by Anthony Michael Morena



sacred posts 2

Submitted by Karen Marron (via Oh Myyy)


This is the principle of poetry as well as of magic. Although every explanation I have read gives different sources for this word, a dying friend once convinced me that the magical word, “Abracadabra,” comes from the Aramaic phrase I have adapted here as the title of this collection and translated in the title poem. “Avra” – it comes to pass, and “CeDibra” –as was spoken. It indicates that in the shaping and ordering of language is a power to change the world as we find it, that things happen as we say.

Submitted by Karen Alkalay Gut (from Avra Cadivra)


“Why is it that we salute a person when he sneezes, an observation which Tiberius Caesar, they say, the most unsociable of men, as we all know, use to exact, when riding in his chariot even?”—Pliny, Natural History

Submitted by Anthony Michael Morena



Nostalgia is simply when all of the right things happen a bit too early.

Submitted by Itai Mesch



sacred posts3

Original photo by 숀 on flickr

Submitted by Anthony Michael Morena



In August my notebook was pickpocketed. (The cover’s leather so maybe the thief thought it was a wallet?) I haven’t written anything since.

Submitted by Karen Marron


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