About our Guest Editors for "Migrations"
Joan Leegant is the author of a novel, WHEREVER YOU GO, selected by the Union of Reform Judaism as one of its “Significant Jewish Books,” and the story collection, AN HOUR IN PARADISE, winner of the PEN/New England Award, the Wallant Award for Jewish Fiction, and Selection for the Barnes & Noble Discover Great New Writers program and Finalist for the National Jewish Book Award. Recent story awards include a Special Mention in the 2014 Pushcart Prize; the Nelligan Prize from Colorado Review; and the Moment Magazine Fiction Prize. Formerly a lawyer, Joan has taught at Harvard, Oklahoma State University, and at Bar-Ilan University where she was the visiting writer between 2007 and 2013 in the Shaindy Rudoff Master’s Program in Creative Writing. While in Israel, Joan also lectured widely on writing and American literature and culture under the auspices of the U.S. State Department. A long-time Boston resident, this year Joan is living in Seattle, Washington and teaching at Cornish College of the Arts. For more about Joan and her work, visit: www.joanleegant.com.
Katherine Durham Oldmixon is co-director of the Poetry at Round Top Festival, held annually in the rolling hills between Austin and Houston. She is the author of Water Signs (No. 67 in the New Women’s Voices series, Finishing Line Press, 2009). Her poems appear in print and online publications, among them Bellevue Literary Review, Cider Press Review, The Normal School, and Solstice. Professor and chair of English at historic Huston-Tillotson University, Katherine earned a Ph.D. in English Literature from UT-Austin, M.F.A. in Creative Writing from University of New Orleans, and M.A. and B.A. degrees in English from University of Houston. Katherine gardens in Austin, TX, with her husband Arturo L. Garza. See her website at www. katherinedurhamoldmixon.com