Poems by Linette Marie Allen
The Goldilocks Zone in Watermelon
The Concept of Coming Home
It’s evening—home, a Tuesday;
———and there are pink peonies behind
——————your head
your body, seated, is a falcon fashioned
———by Picasso—sea cubes folding
——————at the elbow
breaking into glass like children. You
———look at me, say don’t
——————say leave
say of the pasta on your lap: Is this
———Thai? Am I a coconut?
——————I snap
columbines, remind you of sunless morns,
———run a concept over your
Zero, my love, is a dangerous number.
Linette Marie Allen is earning an MFA in Creative Writing & Publishing Arts at the University of Baltimore. Recipient of a Betty Tarpley Turner Research and Travel Award for Poetry, she recently launched a poetry project in Accra, Ghana. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Pleiades, Notre Dame Review, Prairie Schooner, and elsewhere.