About Our Guest Editors for Flaw and Favor

Poetry: Alex M. Frankel

Alex M. Frankel left Spain in the 1990s to settle in Southern California and hosts the Second Sunday Poetry Series. His full-length collection, Birth Mother Mercy, came out from Lummox Press in 2013. For ten years he wrote reviews for The Antioch Review until it went on indefinite hiatus.

Poetry: Flower Conroy

LGBTQIA+ artist, NEA and MacDowell Fellow, and former Key West Poet Laureate, Flower Conroy’s books include Snake Breaking Medusa Disorder, A Sentimental Hairpin, Greenest Grass, Zoodikers: A Bestiary, as well as And Scuttle My Balloon, co-authored with Donna Spruijt-Metz. Conroy’s currently working on a series of Ephemeral Altars that celebrate poetry (which can be found on her social media sites).

Fiction: Mandira Pattnaik

Mandira Pattnaik‘s work has appeared in print and online, including in The McNeese Review, Penn Review, Quarterly West, Passages North, DASH, Miracle Monocle, Timber, Contrary (also included in Wigleaf Top 50 in 2023), Ilanot Review (also included in Best Small Fictions in 2021), and Prime Number Magazine. More at mandirapattnaik.com

Creative Nonfiction: Noam Dorr

Noam Dorr is the author of Love Drones (Sarabande Books). His work has appeared in Gulf CoastPassages NorthSeneca ReviewPoetry Magazine and elsewhere. He is an assistant professor at Western Washington University where he teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in creative writing and literature with a focus on hybridity, visual and performance art, the essay form, global literature, and translation. 

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